
Car Boot Loot

There's nothing I like better than rummaging around a car boot sale or a charity shop.  Thrifted treasures have pride of place in my house.  Though the Big Man would say our house is cluttered, I would describe it as an Aladdin's cave of treasures.

The links below are to my Car Boot Loot posts where I unashamedly flaunt my treasures.

Car Boot Loot #17
Car Boot Loot #16
Car Boot Loot #15
Car Boot Loot #14
Car Boot Loot #13
Car Boot Loot #12
Car Boot Loot #11
Car Boot Loot #10
Car Boot Loot #9
Car Boot Loot #8
Car Boot Loot #7
Car Boot Loot #6
Car Boot Loot #5
Car Boot Loot #4
Car Boot Loot #3
Car Boot Loot #2
Car Boot Loot #1