
Saturday, 9 June 2012

Ice Cream for Breakfast

He passed!  The Wee Man passed his soya challenge.  I cannot quite believe it.  I need to monitor him for the next 36 hours in case he has a delayed reaction.  But all being well, come Monday I can introduce soya into his diet.

It was a bit touch and go during the test.  At one point he complained of an itchy tongue and started scratching it quite vigorously.  That's never happened before and it's one of the signs of anaphylaxis.  The Big Man and I got a wee bit anxious at that point.  But the itch came and went quite quickly.  We think there must have been an allergen on the straw he was given.  A straw as it turns out that is left out in the open so it was very likely to have been contaminated with something.  Most likely milk.  

The contaminated straw!

He also had blemishes appear around his mouth.  Not so much hives but red irritations that were itchy.  And again they came and went quite quickly.

A quick phone call to the Consultant to discuss these strange goings on and she confirmed that they do not constitute an allergic reaction and the challenge test had been passed.  We were told to wait 72 hours and watch for any signs of a delayed reaction.  If after all that, nothing untoward happens then it is a big fat pass! 

I am ecstatic!  I cannot begin to tell you how much of a difference incorporating soya into his diet will make.  Pretty much every free from food has soya in it, in one form or another. I've spent the last couple of days surfing the internet for new foods he can eat.
He can finally, finally have ice cream.  It's the one thing I have been unable to find or make an alternative for.  We did once find a rice ice cream but the Wee Man thought it tasted "Yuk!" and I haven't been able to find it anywhere since.  I've also found an egg, wheat and dairy free ice cream cone he can have.  So finally after five and a half years the Wee Man will be able to eat an ice cream cone.  And he can now eat chocolate!

That is why on Monday he will have ice cream for breakfast (with chocolate of course).

As always the Wee Man was great at the hospital despite spending eight very long hours there.  His favourite activity?  Painting and glittering in bed!   

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Mum's Muffin Top

Whilst cuddling with the Wee Man he said...

Wee Man:  Mum, you have a very nice tummy.
Me:  Do I?
Wee Man:  Yeah.  It's not fat and it's not thin.  It's medium.  

Yay, muffin tops!  Yay, middle age spread!

You see I can't go on a diet.  If I do I will be a bad Mum that gives bad cuddles.

No, this isn't my muffin top.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Tea Cup Craft Challenge

It's been a while since I got my craft on.  I started this blog primarliy to chart my foray into the crafty world and I'm pretty sure I haven't done anything crafty that's blog worthy this year.  Oops!

So to get my craft on I've decided to do a bit of tea cup crafting.  Tea Cup crafting is everywhere on t'internet and everything always looks gorgeous.  I do love a tea cup.  So I'm going to give it a go.

I've got lots of mismatched tea cups dotted around the house, but I've chosen a tea cup set that I bought on my thrifty travels to craft with.  I'm always wary of spoiling a good tea cup with my cack handedness so this set it perfect as it is gorgeous and it's not a known maker.  So I think I can just about live with any mishaps.

I'm not setting myself a time limit on this as I do have a tendency to phaff when it comes to crafting.  So to keep you happy in the meantime here's some pics of the tea cup set I'm going to sacrafice  use.

Four tea cups from the same set but each one is a little bit different.  There's matching saucers and tea plates with them too.

Jeez, the nerves are already starting to set in.  Can I really bring myself to "do" something to these beauties?  I'm off to google and pinterest for some inspiration.  Yikes!

This post is shared on Tea Cup Tuesday.

Monday, 4 June 2012

A weekend with Quinsy.

Whilst everyone has been resplendent in red, white and blue and bigging up the queen I've been "nursing" a sick fool!

The Big Man has been complaining of a sore throat for 5 weeks.  Ever since I had tonsillitis 5 weeks ago so I've been nagging at him to see a doctor.  Being the big strong man that he is, NOT, he decided to fight it himself.  Surprise, surprise he ended up at the emergency Out of Hours GP on Thursday night with a raging fever and difficulty swallowing.

The doctor diagnosed quinsy and declared his tonsils were the worst that he had ever seen.

Dr. Google said

"Quinsy is a complication of tonsillitis.

It is a collection of pus that develops between the back of one of your tonsils and the wall of your throat. This is known as an abscess. An abscess can develop when an infection spreads from a swollen tonsil to the surrounding area.

The medical name for quinsy is peritonsillar abscess."

So I've spent the weekend with a pus filled abscess!  Hope your Jubilee weekend is better than mine.

Look away now if you are of a nervous disposition.  

Here's a pic from Google image for your amusement.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

We Won! "In the Night Garden" Live Show

I won my first ever blog giveaway!  Woo Hoo!  I was so excited when I got an email from the lovely Jenny at "Treading on Lego"  I did a happy dance.  An actual bona fidey, bum wiggling, high fiving happy dance!  The Wee Man thought I'd gone crazy but then I told him what we'd won and he joined in with his own street dance version of a happy dance.

And what a wowser of a giveaway I'd won.  A family ticket to the VIP Gala performance of "In the Night Garden Live" at the O2.  Note the "VIP" and the "Gala".  That's right we've gone up in the world.  VIPs r Us.

The Wee Man has always, always loved In the Night Garden (ITNG).  He use to do baby signing as a tot and he made up his own ITNG sign.  He'd hold his hand out flat and trace circles on his palm with his finger (just like the start of every ITNG).  Took me a while to figure out what he meant but I got there in the end.  We've spent many, many happy hours watching Iggle Piggle's antics. 

The Big Man worked on the TV programme so he has a love hate relationship with it.  But we won't mention that.  Though I can understand how watching ITNG for 10 hours every day for 12 months could drive anyone a wee bit potty.

On Saturday we put on our glad rags and headed to the O2.  It took a while to find the Night Garden cos the O2 is mahoosive!  We wandered about for a bit aimlessly then the Wee Man spotted this...

Cue, happy dance.  Though a more sanitised version suitable for public viewing.  How fantabulous is that?!  "Ha Hoo! Ha Hoo! Ha Hoo!" and so it went on until the Big Man put a stop to our silliness.

The Wee Man was given a very huge and heavy goodie bag filled with ITNG goodies.  I must admit some of the stuff was a wee bit too young for him but he loved his illuminating windmill thingie that spun round.  We were treated to some delicious treats.  Filled croissants, bagels, pastries, fruit kebabs anyone?  I'd of course packed some treats for the Wee Man too.

After a wee wait and an interview with a lovely presenter and camera crew (the Wee Man, not us) the doors were opened and we took our seats.  The theatre is laid out so that wherever you sit you get a very good view of the stage.  There's plenty of space for children to get on their feet and dance or do whatever children want to do.

Another wait for the VVIPs (Very Very Important People) to take their seats and some celeb spotting for the Big Man and me.  I saw Emma Forbes and Sara Cox.  I didn't recognise anyone else but I'm pretty rubbish at things like that.  People always look different in real life to what they do on the telly or newspapers, don't you think?

Spot the Big Man.  Hint He's also affectionately known as the Baldy Man.
The show was unbelievably fantastic.  The way they've stage managed it is amazing with panoramic projections and puppets of varying sizes but that's from a Big Person's perspective.

From a Wee Man perspective, it was magical.  It was a fully "immersive theatrical performance".  That's the fancy way of saying it felt as if we were actually in the Night Garden.  He loved seeing Iggle Piggle fall down and we all especially loved Makka Pakka's dance.  The Wee Man danced and sang with Makka Pakka and I may have joined in too.  ;0)  Makka Pakka seems to be the Big Person favourite as was evident when we all went "Aw!" when he came on the stage.

It's a show that every child should experience, because it really is an experience.  It's so much more than just a show.

The show will be touring the UK with dates at the O2, Richmond, Brent Cross (London), Manchester and Birmingham.  Tickets are very reasonable priced from £10 - £27.50.  I say reasonable because you get a very good view wherever you sit in the theatre.  So £10 seems very, very reasonable.  There are two different shows, each running for just under an hour.  Which I think is the right duration for a children's show. 

And the bestest, bestest bit of the day for the Wee Man?  It was of course this...

Disclaimer:  I have not been asked to write this blog post about In The Night Garden Live.  I won tickets on a blog giveaway.  I thought the show was so fantastic that I wanted to share my experience with everyone.  So what are you waiting for?  Go book some tickets!  

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Under 300 Followers Blog Hop

Last week I came across a fabulous blog by the gorgeous Amanda.  She's hil-a-r-ious and has the cutest little twin boys who likes to impose themselves on her daily wees(!)

She's hosting a Blog Hop today so I thought I would join in.  Go have a clickey and see who and what you can find.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Chequered Cake Tin - The Result

A couple of weeks ago I bought an interesting chequered cake thingie with the hopes of making the Wee Man a little treat.

Well last week after school, the Wee Man insisted we make a chequered cake and I know I could have put my foot down and refused but I secretly wanted to give it a go too.  So without the right amount of ingredients to make the full size version.  I played about with the recipe and quantities to make a two tiered one. 

It kinda worked out.

We had to kind of squish the cake mixture into the rings.  This was very fiddly and frustrating.  

Carefully ease the rings out...phew!  The white cake batter is lumpy cos it has banana in it.  Just so you don't think I didn't mix it right.  

Ta-Dah!  Baked and out the tin.  Marvel at how the rings have baked into each other but not actually "bled" into each other. 

The second tier. 

Some butter icing between the layers and....Voila a chequered cake!  

A definite hit with the Wee Man and all the kids at school the next day.

This post is shared on Ta-Dah Tuesday.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Numb Bum Day - The Follow Up

We'll we had Numb Bum day a couple of days ago and I'm pleased to report we are home and the Wee Man is at school. 

It was a long, hard, anxiety filled day, to put it nicely.  I've learned how much of a performance nurses and doctors go through on a daily basis.  The words "putting on a brave face" seem irrelevant when you realise what they have to do to placate parents and young patients. I think the Wee Man's medical team deserve an Oscar for their acting performance. 

It wasn't until we were finally discharged that the nurses and doctors let on how dangerous Numb Bum day really was.  We knew it was dangerous, otherwise why do it in a hospital.  But there was that bit in my brain that thought it would be ok since we were in a hospital filled with nurses and doctors.  His Consultant was on the ward all day who is an allergy speicailst, his allergy nurse was within ten feet of us all day.  So all was well in my uneducated mind.  But throughout the day we had little indications that what was happening to the Wee Man was pretty much as life threatening as you can get, short of sticking your finger in a socket whilst sitting in a bath of water.

So what made me think all was not as rosy as I had thought?  Well...

1/ The Consultant's instruction to give the Wee Man a good dose of his anti-histamine before anything was done to him was the first indication.  Seemed a sensible idea to me though.

2/ Then we were advised that a cannula was to be put in...just in case.  That was the first real warning that the day wasn't to be as "easy" as I had first thought.

3/ The Wee Man was given the bed directly facing the nursing station, despite there being lots of other available beds, again innocent enough until I realised that all the nurses were keeping a very vigilant eye on us.

4/ The extra, careful scrutiny the nurses and doctors had on what each other were doing whilst they were with the Wee Man.  I'm pretty sure it's not "normal" for nurses to ask, and ask and ask doctors if their gloves are latex free or for them to order doctors to "wash your hands!".

5/ At the end of the day, Nurse K the allergy nurse, revealed to us that she had been carrying Epipens with her all day.  This is a Nurse who on a daily basis performs food challenges on allergic children.  Literally feeding allergic foods to children with proven allergies to the food and who are at a very high risk of anaphylaxis from any contact with the food.  Carrying Epipens on her person is not "normal" for her even in those life threatening situations, so for her to do so on Numb Bum Day made me realise just how much danger the Wee Man had been in. 

And finally the biggest indication that Numb Bum Day was indeed a Big day was when we were finally given the all clear and the whole medical team physically relaxed into themselves.  It was so strange to watch and experience.  I could see the tension ebb away from Nurse K.  She slumped into her chair and her whole body just ..relaxed.  The tension on her face melted away and she was our Nurse K again.  The smile on her face was nothing like the forced grin she was displaying all day.  She was herself again. 

I had a chat with Dr. H., the Wee Man's Consultant, and even she showed physical signs of relief.  This woman is a first class Consultant who's seen and dealt with just about anything you could imagine an allergy Consultant would have to deal with.

I thought maybe I was projecting my own sense of relief onto everyone but thinking back to what was being said, how it was being said and their physical demeanour, I'm pretty sure the relief the medical team felt far outweighed the relief I felt.  They must have been pretty stressed. 

Despite all of that the Wee Man took everything in his stride as usual.  The cannula was dismissed as a nuisance.  Just before Nurse K assisted the doctor in putting the cannula in she looked at the Wee Man and made him promise he'd "still like me after I've done this?".  The Wee Man gave her his "Are you crazy?!" look.  The Play Nurse anxiously advised me to hold a book between his face and his hand so he wouldn't see what was happening.  I told her there was no need and she thought I was insane and looked on anxiously.  The cannula was in and his hand bandaged without so much as a wince or a whimper from him.

He completely ignored the actual injections of the vaccine.  The adventure story I was reading to him was much more exciting.  In fact his only complaint from the day was that the cannula inhibited his ability to play with the toys in the toy room.

The medical staff were full of praise for his "braveness" and they were in awe of his maturity.  I must admit I do think the medical staff were being overly anxious about the procedures being done to the Wee Man.  I do believe that anxiety breeds anxiety.  There were many a time I had to sugar coat whatever the medical team were saying and dismiss them as "crazy".

In all it was an experience I would not wish to go through again.  Unfortunately we're back into the hospital next month for a soya challenge.  I hope, hope, hope the Wee Man passes.  Introducing soya into his diet would open up so much more variety for him.  Not just the yoghurts, cheese and ice cream but all the things with hidden soya in them.

Maybe, just maybe the Wee Man will soon be able to eat some chocolate! 

Monday, 7 May 2012

Numb Bum Day

It's been a while since I wrote an update on the Wee Man's allergies so I thought this was an oppotune time to do so.  You see tomorrow the Wee Man goes into hospital to have his immunisations.  Not something that a child would normally go into hospital to have but for the Wee Man it's a big day. 

For a couple of years now Dr. H his Consultant Peditrician and allergy speicalist has been trying to source latex free vaccinations for him.  Her searched failed miserably and she's been consulting other allergy experts worldwide for solutions to our dilemma. 

With the Wee Man's latex allergy it means any jabs of any kind are life threatening.  All vaccinations have a latex bung on the bottles that the needle passes through to get to the solution inside.  That needle is then usually inserted into the patient and injected.  That plus the fact the solution has been swilling around latex makes the whole thing rather risky for a person with a latex allergy! 

So after much consultation she concluded that the best course of action was to take the bung out of the bottle and get to the solution directly.  The Wee Man will get 10% of the solution initially and after a period of observation, if there are no adverse effects he'll get the full dose. 

The Wee Man is not too thrilled with the idea of the needle.  Up until a couple of months ago he had no fear of needles whatsoever.  In fact he loved having blood tests as it usually meant a lot of female attention from all the nurses (he's such a ladies man!).  But a couple of months ago he had a bad experience with a blood test where he didn't have the numbing cream and the person taking the blood was, to put it bluntly a sadistic bastard.  He was literally poking the needle about inside the Wee Man's arm.  Jabbing the needle in and out and wriggling it around whilst inside his arm.   He failed to get to a vein and then inisisted he try the other arm.  I had to put my hand over the Wee Man's arm to stop him from continuing.  Since then the Wee Man has been wary of needles. 

Fortunately the Wee Man has been blessed with parents with the ability to make any situation funny! ;0)  We have allayed his fears by advising him that we will ask for numbing cream to be applied before any needles go anywhere near him.  But of course, jabs are usually given in the bum region.  For the cream to work it has to be applied to the area for at least 45 minutes and cling filmed on.  So we have told the Wee Man he must have his bum cling filmed.  Plus the numbing cream, really is numbing, so he won't feel his bum for a few hours afterwards.  So he won't know that he is sitting down and also because he won't be able to feel his bum this gives his parents the right to tickle his bum to their hearts content.  ;0)

That is why, tomorrow is affectionatley known as "Numb Bum Day".

Monday, 30 April 2012

Car Boot Loot #18

Finally some sun!  It's been so long that I've forgotten what sunshine looks like.

I think the whole of the UK has me to thank for the sun!  Yesterday we all trooped out to buy the Wee Man some wet weather gear.  Not only a windproof, waterproof jacket but also an all in one rain suit thing.  The type that you zip yourself into with just your face and hands showing.  

So because of this timely purchase of wet gear, the sun has decided to spite me and shine it's smug glorious face all over us.  Shouldn't really complain should I.

What the rain did stop us from doing this weekend was go car booting.  They were all closed because the fields were pretty much lakes.  So I don't have much to show this week.  Just some goodies from charity shops.

First up, a beautiful set of Paragon tea plates.  They are the right shade of green and the pink roses are gorgeous.  I do love pink roses.

And another train game for the Wee Man.  He has so many board games they are taking over my house but for £1.50 and it's a train game, I had to buy it.  It'll be a lovely surprise for him when he comes in from school today. 

That was my lot for this week.  Not much to show really.  The rain really has a lot of answer for.

If you liked my Car Boot Loot post have a look see at my other Loot posts.  Just click here.  

This post is shared on Magpie Monday Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Vintage Easter Swap

 I've been slightly tardy with this post.  A wee while ago the lovely LissyLou organised a Vintage Easter Sap and I was lucky enough to be partnered with Katie.

I was thoroughly spoiled and received lots of gorgeous goodies.  The goodies were wrapped in pretty pastel coloured paper and ribbons.   I love receiving gifts that are prettily gift wrapped.  It makes me smile. 

What was inside the pretty wrapping paper?  Gorgeous pastel coloured crcheted bunting!  The bunting is currently decorating the top of my dresser.  The little roses really make the bunting special.   

Some sweet smelling Cath Kidston smellies.  I usually take showers, so I'm keeping the bath melt to use for a special occasion i.e. when I have the house to myself and I'm not rushed out of the bathroom with shouts of "MUM!" or "MADISON!".  Which is more often than you would think.  

A set of gorgeous hand painted glasses.  I've been hunting in charity shops and car boot sales for a set of painted glasses.  How did she know?!  

A very handy sewing kit.  I have been known to bung some needles and thread into a plastic food bag to take with me when I feel the need to sew on the move.  This little set is perfect to keep in my handbag. 

A sweet little pink bucket.  It's so cute and the pink is the perfect shade of pink.  

And inside the little bicket was a handmade hanging Easter egg.  Look at the detail on it.  I originally thought it was shop bought until Katie told me she had decorated it.  It's perfect!  The fabric on the egg is completely wrinkle free.  How did she do it?! 

And of course you can't have an Easter without Easter chicks!  These were given to the Wee Man.  We've been hunting for some Easter chicks to put into his plastic Easter eggs and they've all been either too big or too small.  These were the perfect size and he promptly stuffed them into his eggs ready for his Easter Egg hunt.  

I was rather spoiled wasn't I?

I can't seemed to find the photos of the things I sent her.  I'm off to have a more thorough search.  Where are those blimmin' photos?!


Sunday, 22 April 2012

Car Boot Loot #17

Hasn't the weather improved?!  It's so lovely and sunny here I can finally believe that Spring is here.

Yesterday we hottailed it to our favourite car boot sale in a neighbouring town.  It's about a 25 minute drive away but well worth it.  Unfortunately there were not that many sellers there yesterday.  Only a quarter of the usual amount so the pickings were rather slim.

So slim in fact I only got two things for myself.  The Wee Man on the other hand got a huge bag full of books and a game.

First up for me was this cute little ceramic hen.  The seller informed me that is was a gravy seperator.  I thought it was a wee bit too small for gravy but smiled nicely and accepted her 50p offer.  I think in fact it's an egg seperator.   See the little lip on the hen's chest?

Unfortunatley I have no use for an egg seperator as I do not cook with eggs that often because of the Wee Man's allergies so the hen will be for display purposes only.  Love her eyelashes. 

Next up a chequered cake set for all of £1.  It's always a challenge to make exciting and different treats for the Wee Man and I thought this cake set would make a little surprise treat for him.  The seller said it belonged to her Mum so maybe it's vintage, though vintage "Made in Taiwan" is a bit of a stretch.

Reading the instructions I think there is a lot of room for disaster, but I'm willing to give it a go.  Maybe the cake will be more splodge than chequered?  Either way, I'll post some pics of the results once I get round to using it.  The Big Man observed that the cake set will most likely end up in the box of stuff for us to sell at a car boot sale!  Humph!

That was it for me.  I also got a huge pile of books for the Wee Man, a lot of them old Ladybird non-fiction books, for £1.

Also a Mousetrap game which unfortunately had no instructions in the box.  I bought it from a man who had just got a call to say his daughter was in labour with his first grandchild.  I didn't have the heart to keep him back whilst I checked the contents.  He was desperately packing up and I think the buyers felt his desperation because a crowd converged on his stall picking up anything and everything and demanding a price for it.   For the record I was already eyeing up the game when he got the call, so I was not one of the vultures, though to be honest I did have a quick squizz around his stall to make sure there wasn't anything else I wanted.  Am I naughty?

And last but not least a fantastic Egypitan craft set.  My 10 year old niece is obsessed about all things Egyptian.  She can name all the rulers of ancient Egypt, who their parents were, how they got to be ruler and anything else you would care to know about them.  I always keep an eye out for anything Ancient Egypt related for her.  

The box is full to the brim of crafty things.  She's also very arty and crafty.  I can't wait to give it to her.  She will be so excited. 

That's my lot for this week.  We were suppose to go to another car boot sale today but the Wee Man and the Big Man are off riding miniature steam trains instead. 

If you've enjoyed reading my Car Boot Loot post why not have a look at my other Car Boot Loot posts. Just click on the link,  Madison's Car Boot Loot

This post is shared on Nifty Thrifty Tuesday  Magpie Monday

Friday, 20 April 2012

Welsh Slate Tile Chalkboard

One of the places we visited on our Welsh holiday was Chirk Castle.  I'll write a more detailed post about our visit later but for now I want to show you the souvenir I bought from the very pricey farm shop on the castle grounds.

In amongst all the lush homemade cakes and goodies, organic meats and treats, plants and flowers was a huge pile of slate tiles.

I ignored all the goodies and went for the slate tiles.  At 50p each how could I resist!  The slate tiles were taken from the castle roof itself and were rather manky to say the least.

I thought they would make a great hanging chalkboard sign.  Unfortunatley they all seemed to have only one hole in them probably where they were nailed down.  But after a lot of rummaging around I found one solitary tile with two holes.  I know I could have asked the Big Man to drill an extra hole in but unfortunately I have a husband who does not really prioritise my crafty needs i.e. he would have chucked the tile into his "workshop" in the hopes that I would forget about it!

After much scrubbing of the tile, it came up lovely.  I couldn't find any twine in my stash so have had to make do with some ribbon (I hope it's strong enough).

The sign is now hanging in my porch.  It's all lumps and bumps and rather difficult to write or draw anything neatly on it.  But I think it all adds to it's charm. 

This post is shared on Frugalicious Friday  Show and Tell Friday Nifty Thrifty Sunday

Thursday, 19 April 2012

The Perfect Railway Holiday (aka as the "Best Train Holiday EVER") - Part 1

Where do you go on holiday if your child is mad about trains?

The answer is simple, Wales.  Berwyn to be precise where for a reasonable amount of money you can hire the Station Master's house at Berwyn station.  It's situated right on the railway platform where regular steam and vintage diesel trains run.

Here's the link if you want to have a nose. Berwyn Station Masters House

I can't remember how I found the house but find it I did and I booked it there and then.

I can hand on heart say it is the BEST holiday home I have ever stayed in.  The view from the living room is stunning with sweeping views of the platform and the River Dee.

Berwyn station is a vintage lovers dream with lovely vintage touches here and there.

The house is beautifully furnished with everything you would ever need on holiday, including an iron.  Several of our past holiday homes were without one so I was especially thrilled to find an iron in a cupboard.  Simple things!  To welcome us on our arrival at the house there was a lovely bottle of wine and beautiful fresh flowers.  And of course the obligatory carton of fresh milk in the fridge for a cuppa. 

The Wee Man spent many happy hours playing on the platform.  The station is rather quiet with not many people getting on and off at Berwyn so he had the run of the platform and for one whole week he was the Station Master of Berwyn railway station, complete with train cap, whistle, flag and official badge.

As part of the holiday home hire we were given complementary tickets for the railway which allowed us to ride the trains as many times as we wanted during our stay.  This made the holiday very worthwhile as at £12 for an adult ticket and there being four adults we saved a lot of money.  The tickets were used almost on a daily basis.

The majority of the railway staff are volunteers and were exceptionally lovely which really made the Wee Man's holiday.  He was given a tour of the signal box at Llangollen station, allowed into the driver's cab of a steam train, helped with the coupling up of several trains and the highlight for him was a ride in the driver's cab of a vintage diesel train.

I think you need to be a parent to a train mad child to fully appreciate why all of the little extra treats were really special.  I have to add though that the little extras are not part of the holiday package, but merely the staff recognising how especially train obsessed the Wee Man is and indulging him in his obsession.  He really is obsessed!

More holiday posts to follow where the Wee Man's train obsession will become very apparent.