
Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Tea Cup Craft Challenge

It's been a while since I got my craft on.  I started this blog primarliy to chart my foray into the crafty world and I'm pretty sure I haven't done anything crafty that's blog worthy this year.  Oops!

So to get my craft on I've decided to do a bit of tea cup crafting.  Tea Cup crafting is everywhere on t'internet and everything always looks gorgeous.  I do love a tea cup.  So I'm going to give it a go.

I've got lots of mismatched tea cups dotted around the house, but I've chosen a tea cup set that I bought on my thrifty travels to craft with.  I'm always wary of spoiling a good tea cup with my cack handedness so this set it perfect as it is gorgeous and it's not a known maker.  So I think I can just about live with any mishaps.

I'm not setting myself a time limit on this as I do have a tendency to phaff when it comes to crafting.  So to keep you happy in the meantime here's some pics of the tea cup set I'm going to sacrafice  use.

Four tea cups from the same set but each one is a little bit different.  There's matching saucers and tea plates with them too.

Jeez, the nerves are already starting to set in.  Can I really bring myself to "do" something to these beauties?  I'm off to google and pinterest for some inspiration.  Yikes!

This post is shared on Tea Cup Tuesday.


  1. Just found your blog through Magie at Teacups and Bunting. I'm all intrigued now! I want to know what you're going to do with these cups and saucers. I know how you feel about not wanting to sacrifice things, I'd feel the same. It's like an illness, not being able to let things go!
    Look forward to finding out what you're up to!
    Happy holiday!

    1. Hi Missy. Yes I have an illness which is commonly known as "hoarding". If I'm not careful I'll end up on that hoarders programme on TV.

  2. Very pretty - looking forward to see what you do with them.

    I've a pile of odd plates/saucers that I keep meaning to turn into some cakestands - just need to organise myself better!!

  3. I do love teacups and don't think I could *do* something with the ones I have, but I'm willing to see what you do!!!!!! Happy Tea Day!

  4. I am totally intrigued now....what are you going to do with the 4 tea cups???? I am sure you will do something fab! I have always wanted to make one of those cake tiers with the vintage plates and a tea cup at the top for mints or flowers. But I am nervous to do it too! Lol!
    I wish you the best luck with your project.

  5. Can't wait to see what you do Madison! Im sure they will "survive"! Love katie xx

  6. Hmm, candle? Pin cushion? lamp? bird feeder? C'mon - put us out of our misery!

  7. Have fun! They'd be great as bird feeders, stacked as a water fountain or lamp, perfect as goodie holders for hostess gifts~

  8. Oh, they're so pretty! Can't wait to see what you do! Pinterest is a wonderful plethora of ideas. Especially the one of making them into a lamp. I think my daughter and I are going to try that for her daughter's bedroom!
