
Saturday, 10 March 2012

Floating in a cloud of gingerbread

For the past couple of days I've been a gingerbread man making machine.  The Wee Man's school teacher asked if I could make gingerbread men with her class.  Without hesitation I agreed and also agreed to make them with the other Reception class too.  That's sixty kids in total. 

It was hectic, frantic and a whole lot of fun.  For two days the entire school smelled yummy with gingerbread and even after I left the school I could still smell it.  It must have been clinging to my clothes and hair and yummy scrummy they smelled too.

I couldn't take any pics of the kids making the gingerbread men obviously so I took some pics of the men (and ladies) themselves.  All the kids and the teachers gave them a big thumbs up.  Not bad for their first taste of wheat free, dairy free, egg free and soya free gingerbread men.

I think in all honesty the teachers were amazed how good they tasted.  I think like many adults they hear of the Wee Man's allergies and suspect he "misses out" on a lot of treats that other children get.  When in actual fact he gets way better treats than "normal" kids.  How many other kids get a regular supply of homemade goodies?  

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