
Monday, 5 March 2012

Car Boot Loot #14

A very quick post today as the Wee Man has the lurgy.  I was all set for going to a car boot yesterday,the first time this year, then the Wee Man was struck down with lurgy.  I was so excited but needs must and we spent yesterday stuck indoors entertaining a poorly Wee Man.  Sigh!

I was able to get to town last week and did a quick tour of the charity shops.  I found lots of lovelies but only came home with one.  Charity shop prices have gone mental.  I know there's lots of blog posts about charity shop prices so I won't bore you with another one.  Alls I'll say is "BLIMEY!"

Lookey at this gorgeous Royal Albert tea plate.  It makes my heart sing.  I'm going to put some plates on my dining room wall and make a plate display.  All I need to do is get rid of all the Wee Man's "art" first.  Which may be a wee bit tricky.  

And of course I can't go into a charity shop without coming out with a pile of books for the Wee Man.  He's such a book worm.

So the Wee Man did better than I did this week.  Next Sunday will be a wash out also as we'll be visiting family.  So I'll lose another week of car booting.

Will I ever get to a car boot this year?!

This post is shared on Magpie Monday, Nifty Thrifty Tuesday, Flea Market Finds, Vintage Thingie Thursday, Time Travel Thursday


  1. Good selection of books!

    And a plate that makes your heart sing sounds like a good find to me :-)

  2. Great kid's books! Really good reads.

    Your plate is to die for too.

    Hope wee man's feeling better soon x

  3. I love bargain books. Aliens Love Underpants is fab. My little man loves that book.

  4. ooooh that truley is a heart singing plate !

    hope your little chap is all better soon xx


  5. The plate makes my heart sing too. Beautiful.

  6. You made a good choice on the plate. Very pretty. Sorry the little one is not well, but be glad he enjoys books.

  7. We are having the same thing in the shops gone above themselves. Batty...think they're posh I guess now. Haven't heard lurgy for awhile. Use to say it a lot when the kids are small though. Comes with the territory.

  8. Plates on walls, ROCK! As far as Wee Man's art, what I do is take a photo of the kiddo with one or more items, then tell them it is time for fresh ones in a special spot. That way his art is "archived" just like in museum, and Mom gets more wall and storage space.

  9. Nothing like bargain books! And that plate...gorgeous!

  10. I remember the "Thomas" years -enjoy them, they really do go fast. Love the plate - pink and flowers - beautiful.

  11. Great collection of books and I love that plate!! So much so that I have the same plate on the wall in my Guest room!!

