
Thursday, 5 January 2012

Advent Swap Catch Up

I haven't been able to show the lovely goodies I got in the Advent swap from the lovely Jill as it's been a wee bitty hectic here.  But now the Wee Man is at school I've had time to photograph all the lovely goodies I got and lovely they are!

Lookey, lookey see what I got!

Jill is so talented!  All the crocheted goodies has spurred me on to try crocheting again.  I remember enjoying crocheting when I was at school and could still vaguely remember how to do it.  So I picked up a crochet needle and gave it a go.  I'm struggling to find the "hole" where the needle should go into for each stitch so it's coming out a wee bit wonky, but I am getting there.

Thank you Jill for all the lovely goodies and for inspiring me.


  1. Happy New Year Madison.. I'm so glad you enjoyed the pressies..and I love the idea that the little one helped to open them! I let my 'big ones' chose which one to open every day... they enjoyed it as much as me! So glad you have refound crochet...I can't wait to see some 'Ta-dah' posts... maybe you will even send a square for the Beautiful Blogger Blanket of 2012! :)x

  2. Such wonderful goodies!

    I've never been able to master crochet myself!

    Victoria xx

  3. What lovely things! Good luck with the crochet - its on my to do list for this year also!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  4. Wow, lovely gifts, I don't think I could commit to a full advent swap, too many things to find - but they're all lovely. Good luck with the crochet. Maybe I'll actually make something functional this year. No, not functional - attractive. Functional suggests dishcloth, and I don't wrestle with yarn for hours on end to use it to scrub saucepans. I could make hearts, but seem to have lost the knack.

  5. I LOVE the teacup and saucer! I'm not much of a crochet-er either but am attempting a granny stripe blanket, it will probably take me all year!
    Amy C
