
Monday, 12 September 2011

Car Boot Loot #11

It's all gone "Pete Tong".  It's pee'ng it down outside and I had planned on taking pics of all my goodies today.  Tut!  No worries, I have some photos of goodies I haven't shown yet.  Today's Car Boot Loot will not have any vintage china at all.  Shock!  Instead I've got some gorgeous vintage cutlery to show you all.  Woo Hoo!

First up some silverware I bought at a car boot a couple of weeks ago.  Actually it was the day the Big Man's parents left and to celebrate we headed for the local car boot.  :0)

Hidden amongst some toot on a table, I spied this cute little silver plate sugar tongs.  I did my usual humming and hawwing and the lovely lady stall holder gave it me for a meagre 50p.

As I paid for it I also spied another very tarnished piece of silverware and as I picked it up the lady offered it to me for 50p also.  50p for a silver plated cake slice!  Of course I'll take it.  A lot of elbow grease and silver polish has brought it up a treat.  I love the detail on it.

Whilst the Big Man's parents were here we headed into London, to Greenwich.  The Wee Man "drove" us there on the DLR and whilst the boys headed for the Maritime museum, the girls headed to the flea market.  I must admit I had a lovely time with my Mum in Law.  We cooed at some lovelies and discussed some family politics i.e. gossiped.  Whilst at a stall I picked up a strange looking spoon to ask the stall holder what it was. 

Before I could stop her, my Mum in Law did her usual and whipped out her purse and paid the £5 the stall holder was asking for it.  I bit my tongue as I knew my Mum in Law had no use for such a thing and was merely buying it for the sake of buying it.  I knew this gorgeous vintage lovely would spend it's life in a plastic bag at the back of a drawer.  I knew that given some time I could have haggled the price down, but we were having such a lovely time I didn't want to spoil it with my moaning about her shopping habits.  

I'm really glad I did bite my tongue, cos my Mum in Law bought it as a present for me.   

I love the detail on it's handle.

Can you guess what the spoon is used for?   I'll tell you at the end of the post.  Go on, start guessing.  

Next up is a mystery "spoon" that I picked up ages ago at a car boot.  

It's kinda like a spoon shovel thingie.  I have not a clue what it's used for.  Does anyone have any ideas?  

And lastly another present my Mum in Law gave me.  She had a good rummage around in her overflowing cupboards before she came down and brought me loads of goodies.  You'll have to wait a bit longer to see them all but until then, here's a sneaky peek. 

A beautiful set of vintage sliver plated tea spoons.  She was given them over twenty years ago by an old lady she had befriended.  The spoons were the lady's grandmother's, so you can imagine how old they are.  My Mum in Law has a tendency to "pick" up little old ladies who seem to be drawn to her.  She spends every Tuesday afternoon with an old lady who lives round the corner and even though I have never met this lady, she always, always gives the Wee Man cards for his birthday, Christmas and Easter and always with a £10 note in it. A  couple of years ago the lady's brother started sending cards to the Wee Man with money in it too!  Again I have never met or spoken with this man or this lady.  It really is lovely and the Wee Man always, always sends a  handmade thank you card to both of them.

And the last picture...

It wouldn't be the same without some vintage china, would it?  Doesn't the spoon look pretty with the china?  

There will be more details of the vintage china when I get some proper photos taken.  

Oh and the spoon with the holes in it?  It's a spoon used to put sugar on strawberries.  Very ingenious don't you think?


  1. Too too lovely!!

    Adore everything you've shown and the stories.

    Reminds me, I must plan another trip to Greenwich, I love it there!

    The shovel? No idea, but I bet my old man would love it to shovel his dinner down!

    Thanks for linking up x

  2. I hope you have a lovely tea party to use all these items - the cake slice is really gorgeous!

  3. Loving all your items! I too got a little shovel-type spoon thing this week. Couldn't resist! x

  4. No idea what it's for...a grapefruit spoon maybe?
    Lovely finds though :0)

  5. Love all the silver finds yay for you MIL gifting the spoon to you.

    E :)

  6. I love the idea that you need a special spoon specifically for sugarding strawberries. Your MiL sounds like a bit of a treasure herself, even if she doesn't know how to haggle! I feel your pain though - my other half does exactly the same thing... the arguments!!

  7. I l-o-v-e silver, and have two of those "sugar spoons" myself--but I didn't know what they were! So, thank you--it was meant to be to stumble on to your blog!

  8. Not so keen on the china but love all the rest. Like your story of the old lady too.

  9. Your little shovel shaped spoon probably came with a preserve stand .... the sort with a plated frame and china or glass dish in the base. I'll post a pic on SCC so you can see what I mean x

  10. oh these are all so lovely! I have the same cake slice, impressed the elders at my sons first birthday party with it ;o) Scarlett x

  11. Oh, I am drooling over all these gorgeous silver finds! Each of them are beautiful! Thank you for joining TTF (Sorry so late in visiting). Have a fun day!
