
Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Here comes the Sun

It's been silly weather here.  One day we've got a heatwave the next it's thunder storms and long sleeve jammies at bed time.  I'm not one who enjoys hot sunny weather.  Give me a cool Spring breeze any day.  

With the heatwave, I had no other choice but to dig out my old summer clothes.  I hate the change of seasons as inevitably it means trying on last years clothes to see if they still fit!  More often than not I'm disappointed but this year I have a little spring in my sunny step because my favourite summer skirt still fits.  Hurrah!  

It's a patchwork skirt from M&S.  I bought it years ago, before the Wee Man was born, from an M&S outlet shop.  I do love it so.  I love the fabric on it.  It is actual patchwork and not the cheap printed patchwork you find a lot of these days.  

Every time I wear it I tend to sit and stare at it.  The fabrics are so lovely.  I have thought about cutting it up and making it into some cushion covers.  I'd like to get more use out of it other than a few of times a year.  But I just can't bring myself to do it.

What do you think?  Should I keep it hidden in my wardrobe to be pulled out and worn a few times a year or should I get the scissors to it and make something with it?  It's such a difficult decision.


  1. Keep it as is and wear it! :-) Fabulous skirt.

  2. I love that skirt - I would I have one the same AND another in a slightly brighter colourway.

    Keep it - everyone always comments (postively) when I wear mine :)

  3. If you are still happy to wear it carry on ... it's a lovely OOAK skirt x

  4. I hang favourites ON the wardrobe sometimes - at least then you get to see them!
