
Thursday, 24 March 2011

...a Spring in her step.

Oh isn't the sun glorious?!  My favourite seasons of the year are Spring and Autumn.  In the last week the sun has come out, the blossom has arrived and the birds are waking me in the morning.

With the sun my shoulders have got lighter and there is a definite spring to my step.  The tree outside my house has started to blossom beautiful, delicate pink flowers.

Every year a bird nests in the tree and every year it seems to be a different bird so I wonder which lucky bird will make our beautiful tree their home this year.

With Spring comes the promise of fresh home grown vegetables.  For the past few years we've turned out front garden into a veg patch.  The front of our house gets full sun all day long so it's perfect for growing veg.  We have been very, very lucky and have had mountains of veg every year.  It's not been uncommon for our neighbours to find veg on their doorstep from the Veg Fairy.  At one point, one neighbour begged us to stop giving him veg.  Oh well, he does live alone and there really is only so much veg one person can eat.

So last week the Wee Man and I sowed some seeds and they are already looking rather promising.


Little Gem Lettuce

Pumpkin for Hallowe'en! 

The most important one is off course the pumpkin for Hallowe'en.  So far only one out of the four of the pumpkin seeds has sprouted.  Fingers crossed we get more.

We have more seeds to sow in April and by Summer time my freezer and my neighbours will be groaning.

One big job the Wee Man and I have to do before we plant outdoors is.....

 ...fix Sam Scarecrow.  Looks like a little birdie has decided Sam's brains makes good nesting material.


  1. Gorgeous blossom - our cherry tree is always late to flower - I keep looking each day to see if the first flowers have appeared.

    Must start thinking about veggie growing soon too.

  2. Everywhere seems to have blossomed this week doesn't it ... all shades of pink blossom along the roadside and clumps of daffodils too. The veggie patch here is almost ready for planting and I bought some herbs today to put in a pot. Happy gardening x
