
Wednesday, 9 February 2011

...wheat free, dairy free, soy free chapatis

I thought I would share some of my allergy free recipes in this blog.  As I mentioned previously the Wee Man has many, many allergies; wheat; dairy; egg; soya; nuts; beef; berries; citrus; spinach; latex...etc.  I could go on but won't bore you with the details.

I discovered his allergies when he was just over a year old, about three years ago.  So I've had three years of finding and adapting recipes to suit him.  One of his favourite things for lunch are chapatis, or "chapati hole" as he calls them.  The reason will become apparent later.  They are very quick and easy to make and can be made any size you like.  I make them child size for the Wee Man to hold and eat easily.  

So here goes with my first recipe post.


Olive Oil

  1. Measure out 1/2 cup of flour and put in a bowl
  2. Measure out 1/4 cup of oatmilk and warm.  It's important the milk is warmed to ensure the chapatis puff up.  Many batches of chapatis has taught me this(!)
  3. Mix together the flour and milk until a soft pliable dough is formed.
  4. Warm a frying pan over a med-high heat. 
  5. Oil your palms with some olive oil and pull off a walnut size piece of dough. 
  6. Now the fun bit, place the dough on one palm and slap it with the other palm.  You get a disc of dough.  Continue slapping until dough is about half a centimetre thick.  
  7. Put on the dry, warm frying pan and make as many more as your frying pan can hold.
  8. When the edges of the chapati look dry, turn them over.  You need to keep an eye on them as they cook to ensure they don't burn.  
  9. When you turn them over again, give it a little press, any bits that seem "wet" aren't cooked so pay particular attention to those areas.  As your chapatis cook they should start to puff up.  Put aside and continue until all your dough has been used. 
  10. Using a sharp knife cut a slit on the edge of a chapati and you will see a pocket is formed where the chapati has puffed.  Fill the chapati with whatever filling you desire and enjoy. 

A quick, easy lunch alternative to the sandwich.  And this is what happens when you give a four year old the job of spreading houmous inside the pockets! 

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